How it works

Three simple steps



Fill in our simple cash for cars form to tell us about your car. One of our representatives will be in touch to give you an estimate on your car’s value. We’ll then set up an appointment where we’ll conduct a quick fifteen minute inspection to pay you ‘cash’ for your car.



Alan Mance Motors conducts an on-the-spot inspection for your car to verify that your car is in tip-top shape for sale. We also inspect any possible mechanical faults or aesthetic imperfections that may that may alter your car’s estimated value.



Alan Mance Motors give you a written or verbal valuation, and cash for your car on the spot. Payments are taken in EFT, Cash or Bank Transfer. Of course, if you’d like some time to consider our offer, we will honour our written valued prices for 7 days.

Why sell your car to us?

Experience the convenience of
our quick, easy, and hassle-free

Safe and secure transactions

Cash paid on the spot

How can I sell my car fast?

Selling your car fast is made easy with AMM Cash For Cars – we can buy your car today. We come to you, we pay cash on the spot and we pay more. Take the first step towards selling your car by getting your free online valuation. If you have any questions about selling your car to Alan Mance Motors, please call us: (03) 9396 8000.

Required documents: what you will need to sell your car.

At the point of sale, you will need to provide your drivers license and registration documents. If these items are lost or misplaced, please call us on (03) 9396 8000 to discuss an alternative. For more information – view a detailed list of what you need to AMM Cash For Cars.

Finance owed – we’ll take care of it.

If your vehicle is financed, there are three simple steps to sell your car to Alan Mance Motors .

1. Contact your provider and request a payout figure in writing. Most will provide the current loan balance via email within a day.

2. Alan Mance Motors will pay the outstanding amount directly to your financier and any remainder to you in cash.

3. If the loan balance is greater than your valuation, you will be required to pay the difference at the point of sale.

Get started by completing the online valuation or call (03) 9396 8000.


It’s easy and fast, from start to finish